Hey Little Fighter Soon It Will Be Brighter

Posted 2016-03-28T00:45:00Z

Hey little fighter, soon it will be brighter, we're over the stormy end. I'll find another one to make it better, some day in the ruins we made. Hey little baby, my heart will be aching with scars from the stormy end. I might recover as someone else's lover and stay away from the rain. It's all done, the sky's getting clear. Mar 06, 2017 Hey little fighter, soon things will be brighter. October 19th. The day that changed everything. The day I was medically diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Hey Little Fighter, Soon Things Will Be Brighter. Ruston 'Greymatters' theme by J.E.Jones / Ligertail. Sixpenceee: Cemetery statue representing half life and half.

Ethan's says hi to all his friends and family! Thought I would share on here a video I made last month to help raise awareness for Ethan's rare disease, Nemaline Myopathy. We highlighted a few of his struggles & accomplishments in his 2 years of being Super E so far. Enjoy & lots of love from us!!!
Hey Little Fighter Soon It Will Be Brighter
'Nemaline Myopathy is considered to be one of the most devastating childhood muscle diseases but it gets far too little attention.' -AFBS
Ethan is considered to be on the more severe side and is very medically complex. There are a few different gene mutations now that make up NM, NEB & ACTA1 genes are most common. Ethan's is on the ACTA1 gene.
Did you know that severe forms show up to 66% mortality rates before the age of two? These are devastating statistics and we need to find a cure or treatment so our children can live stronger and healthier lives.
Please help us by checking out the foundation that is directly funding research for NM here: http://buildingstrength.org/
Directly donate to the foundation for research here: http://bit.ly/1LxIGrI
If you or your family member have a congenital muscle disease, take a look here for information on registering for the CMD Tissue Repository to be registered & help bridge the gap between researchers & patients. https://www.cmdir.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=438&Itemid=506&lang=en
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I refuse to let the darkness overtake me. I refuse

Hey Little Fighter Soon It Will Be Brighter Back

to let my depression win.
You, depression, can make me cry and tear me down, but you WILL NOT win.
Today it's is final. A new chapter starts this very second. I'm aware of the painful days to come, but I know that time heals all wounds. And I will be okay. As for today it's okay to be sad. It's okay to cry.
This picture of myself shows how real my depression is.
It's okay to cry. Just don't let it take you. Push forward each day. Live for one more day. You are worth it.