Little Fighter Firzen X

Jul 02, 2015 Little Fighter Free Download (little fighter 2 download 2015) Laura Campbell. Street Fighter II - Zangief's Stage Theme (Street Fighter V 20 Peoples NES Pirated.


After first discovering LFA now, what, eight years ago or so (I remember waiting for Chapter 9 and how awesome it was to watch it when it came out) I had some pause in which I completely forgot this existed. I hadn't even played LF2 or Hero Fighter in a long while.
Now, rediscovering this, seeing two more chapters to watch (after rewatching all the previous ones in a single afternoon of course) and making the decision of signing up to Newgrounds for this, there is not much more for me to say other than:

I love this series and it has brought me lots of entertainment.

Little fighter firzen x ray

It has been so long since I actively played LF2, but I always think about the personality you have given to many of these characters, no matter how much we can criticize the 'story' of this series in being rather plain. Unmodded Little Fighter 2 will have me getting Rudolf to fight off with Deep, Davis not attacking Jan or Bat on Stage 5, and John being confused on why he is a bad guy!
And well... story is never the main focus on an action like this, now, is it?

The videos have seemingly improved with every new chapter. These two new ones seem to have quite a new style though (although the style and backgrounds have changed quite a few times already during the series). I can see it upsetting some people, but I still very much enjoyed. Only possible complaint is the duration ( = 'We need moar!')

Can't wait to see the series come to a conclusion.