Little Fighter Source Code

  1. Little Fighter Source Code 1
  2. Little Fighter Source Code Download

This little project packages everything you need to start using it in one package, and all the appropriate licensing information is located in the archive. If you have ran the installer on Windows, you can find the source code and all of the documentation in the installation folder.

A tutorial about the basics of HEX Editing!
All of you who came into this topic are probably wondering what hex is, or heard about it from someone who doesn't know what it is and made you think you know what hex is. The most common mistake a hear among people that hex is the source code of a program/game well that isn't true one bit, lf2 was programmed in c++, C++ source code looks like this (that is only defining some stuff and a model thats not a complete program):
struct vertex3
float x;
float y;
float z;
class model
vertex3f vertecies[];

and hex would be something like:
As you can see the difference is very big. If you ever had a hex editor and used it to open a program you'll probably be think 'no thats not true in a hex editor you see words', that is true and that is because 99% of all hex editors (every program which isn't home made by a crazy programmer who can convert hex to ASCII in one second in his head) automatically converts hex to ASCII (letters/symbols).
Hex is a type of counting for which is made out of 16 numbers (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f) and demical (what we use in our every day life is just 10. There are other types but they aren't important to us in this guide (binary and oct something).

Getting started:
To start editing a programs hex you need a hex editor, here are a few programs I use:
  • Hex Workshop
  • FX Edit

There are alot of other programs out there, just type 'hex editor' in google and you'll find alot. Every hex editor is differen't and there are alot out there so in some places my guide my not be exactly correct according to your hex editor but please try and look around the small details. In this tutorial I'll be using Hex Workshop.
After you downloaded hex workshop and installed it (if you can't do that then stop reading this guide) open lf2.exe using it (you may either go to File > Open, press ctrl + O or press the folder icon at the top). After that you will see 3 columns the one on the left side is the hex address that isn't important, in the middle is the hex and on the right is the ASCII. Source code movie
I will now explain a few things:
Why you need both hex and ASCII: if you want to write something it will much easier to use normal letters than hex and if you want to completely remove something you must change the hex to 00 because putting a space there will actually be 20 in hex and therefore you didn't remove it. Also when you learn about NOPing you'd have to change the hex to 90 and you wont be able to do that with only the ASCII column.
How to nop and how to remove: NOPing something is done by changing the hex to 90, and removing it completely is changing the hex to 00, I can't really explain what will happen if you remove or nop so you should try both before being please (I usally NOP and never remove because sometimes removing causes errors and I'm to lazy to try both).

We are now ready to edit, we are going to change the lf2 title bar (the thing on the top of lf2, on the blue bar if you're using windows xp), to do that we are going to search for 'Little Fighter 2' because that is the title and you're feeling lucky so it should work, first press ctrl + F (short cut to open the find window) choose string as the type (you should of figured out that string means word by now I hope) and Little Fighter 2 as the value (logically) and press okay. Now the program found where it is all thats left is to edit it, click behind the letter 'l' in the ASCII columm and type something, it will change automatically you can also do the same in the hex but it's much easier to do it with letters because we need to write a word.
So now you know how to change stuff using the hex editor but you don't know what to change, you're probably thinking that I'm going to tell you, well you're wrong it's all trial and error. I'll give you a few examples on how to change things, some of the stuff I found were complet flukes others by debugging (I might explain how to debugg at a different time, theres much less luck involved there) and some because someone told me a hint (how to change the credits for example).

How to remove/edit credits:
The credits are encrypted in a 0123+ encryption (mgccl told me how the link was encrypted and I gussed the rest was encrypted with the same method). The credits are made of 2 lines of junk and one link, the same link shows in the demo screen so if you remove it it won't show anywhere (or change it). To remove the link you must remove 'huvs:01zwx0OiuvoeGkjhugu.dqp' from the hex...
It's encrypted in a 0123 encryption it should say so as you can see you add 0 to h , 1 to t (the next letter) and then 2 to the second 2 (2 letters forward) I hope you understand the genreal idea, if you do you could change the link to what ever you want (I'm not sure how the symbols encrypt them selves so you might have to experiment a bit). Now to remove the other lines, to remove by marti and starski wong you must remove 'bz'Pasvl Xqqg-'Vtbtvkz'Zooi' that is also encryped in the same way so play around with it and change it to what you want. And now the last line that has the date, you must remove '1:;<-3235-'dlm'uihjws!thsftyee'. This to is encrypted the same way.
Little fighter source code 1 How to disable Fkeys (I only know f7 and f6):
To disable fkey in lf2 is pretty complicated because the fkeys do alot of things even if it looks very simple. First of all look for '8B0E8981FC0200008B168982080300008B0EB8D3' (hex not string) and you just have to edit this part '898208030000' to '909090909090' (remeber how I told you 90 is nop). You're probably wondering why we aren't just searching for the part that we have to edit, it's because the same code is in the same place a few times and you might get mixed up. Now we disabled the mp regian from the f7 key now to disable hp...

Written by Silva a.k.a Data1master

Little Fighter 2 is a classic, arcade-like martial arts fighting game for Windows PC.

Little Fighter 2 is reminiscent of Double Dragon or Street Fighter and is designed in the Japanese-style fight genre. It is a first-person player game with multiplayer options. This version has added on from its original title and offers new characters as well as a fresh scenario. Graphics are in the manga style of cartoon animation. For each character the game provides unique movements and specialty tricks; players may choose from one of the characters and fight against fellow players or the computer AI. Punches, kicks, and chops are some of the fighting moves, while weapons include boxes, fire balls, and stones. Also with Little Fighter 2 are hypnotic fighting skills and instant freezing moves.

Player modes include one-to-one with friends or AI computer players, stage mode similar to the original Shinobi - enemies are fought as they appear on-screen, or tournaments with various levels of difficulty and qualifying rounds. In multiplayer mode, up to eight people can fight cooperatively or competitively.

Little Fighter Source Code 1

Built for Windows PC, the game can be run on compatible operating systems: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP and no word regarding Windows 8 or 10. Originally released in 1999, Little Fighter 2 is a creation of Martial Studio Limited and game designers Marti and Stasky Wong from Hong Kong, China. Since Little Fighter's release, Marti Wong has become an employee for Microsoft's Advanced Technology Centre in Shanghai, China. Little Fighter is the first in their series and was released in 1995, followed by Little Fighter 2 and in 2008 Little Fighter Online.

Little Fighter Online is a collaborative effort of Marti Wong and Oscar Chu who is a Chinese MMO designer. Popularity for this version is not as great as for the original and Little Fighter 2. Humorous points in the game Little Fighter 2 include the substances used to restore health to players after a fight. For instance, beer or milk which may fall out of the sky can restore health and or mana for the injured player. The milk is good for health points and a small amount of mana, while the beer is the better drink for most mana though health points are not available by imbibing it.

Players will find difficulty settings for Easy, Normal, and Difficult. A CRAZY difficulty level is available to be unlocked by typing in a secret code, on the select player page. This code is only good in stage mode or vs mode. Other new features include the recording of games and playback on command, Survival stage where single player games focus on fighting through as many opponents as possible before dying, and a cheat code which unlocks every function key for every mode. The code is and is also a reference for Marti Wong's game titled the same.

Demo mode for Little Fighter 2 pits AI against AI computer players, a live action over view of how the game works and some of its challenges. Game controls are simple key commands as well as up, down, left, and right arrows, with no mouse required. Standard game weapons throughout the series include crates, boomerangs, baseball bats, knives, baseballs, hoes, rocks and more. Though some weapons can be used repeatedly, eventually, as their real-life counterparts are wont to do, game weapons take too much damage and break.

Little Fighter Source Code Download


  • Lots of modes of play
  • New characters to add to the 14 or so existing ones
  • Secret games and levels


  • May not work with the newest version of Windows
  • Small (not full screen) game window