Little Fighter Tricks

All Characters:
Go into stage mode or championship etc and before you choose your character type in and you will have firzen, bat, sorceror, all the characters and EVEN THE BIG BOSS YOU VERSE AT THE END You can also play a new difficulty 'CRASY'

this cheat will work on any modechampionship. stage ect;

  1. Little Fighter 2 is a classic, arcade-like martial arts fighting game for Windows PC. Little Fighter 2 is reminiscent of Double Dragon or Street Fighter and is designed in the Japanese-style fight genre. It is a first-person player game with multiplayer options.
  2. Little Fighter 2 (LF2) is a popular freeware fighting game for Windows. LF2 was created by Marti Wong and Starsky Wong. Its popularity has been substantial thanks to its simple yet addictive gameplay, its great replay ability and free at the point of use availability.

Little Fighter 2 - Special Moves List vman (vincentou hotmail com) April 25, 2006 Little Fighter 2 SPECIAL MOVES Template, Bandit and Hunter do not have special moves.

How to morph LoisEx?
You must have 1/3 hp left and then press defense,jump,attack together. So,now should me LoisEx if you did press right buttons.How to get all the SECRET CHARACTERs???For example you want to get Firzen,
First double click lf2v171 the folder then double click Data and swap the file name with the one you want For example, TEMPLATE you change the name to Firzenn with a extra letter behind as it cannot have two data with the same name than change the actual folder of firzen to TEMPLATE than delete the extra letter from the folder. Then you will get Firzen.You can try on every character using this code.

Get freeze and fire down to 1/4 of their health.Then make them run into each other if you did it right there will be an arctic volcanoe and firzen will appear and freeze and firen will disappear, or you could just type in in one of the menus and be able to choose anty character you want from the start.

Function Keys:
F1: Pause
F2: Pause/Step
F3: Function Keys Locked F6,F7,F8,F9
F4: Restart
F5: Turn off the frame control timer for performance evaluation
F6: Unlimited MP
F7: Recover
F8: Drop some weapons from the sky
F9: Destroy all weapons
ESC: Quit

Special Moves:
Template, Bandit and Hunter do not have special moves.

'D' means Defend button, 'A' means Attack button, 'J' means
Jump button '&qt;', ', 'v' means the arrow buttons
You can setup the Key Configuration by choosing OPTION in the main menu.

1.Energy Blast 15mp
Input method: D &qt; A
2.Heal others 70mp
Input method: D J
3.Energy Shield: 20mp
Input method: D &qt; J
4.Energy Disk: 50mp
Input method: D A
5.Heal myself: 70mp
Input method: D v J

1.Energy Blast 15mp
Input method: D &qt; A A A...
2.Strike 15mp
Input method: D v A
3.Leap Attack: 15mp
Input method: D J A
4.Leap Attack2: 15mp
Input method: Strike J A
5.Dashing Strafe: 30mp
Input method: D &qt; J

1.Dragon Palm 30mp
Input method: D &qt; A
2.Multiple Shot 30mp
Input method: D J A A A...
2.Critical Shot 40mp
Input method: D &qt; J
2.Sonata of the Death 70mp
Input method: D J

1.Leap Attack: 0mp
Input method: D &qt; J
2.Multiple Ninja Star: 20mp
Input method: D &qt; A A A...
2.Transform 30mp
Input method: Gripping Other D J A
3.Hide 70mp
Input method: D J
4.Double 70mp
Input method: D v J

1.Thunder Punch 10mp
Input method: Run A
2.Thunder Punch 15mp
Input method: Run J A
3.Thunder Kick 10mp
Input method: D &qt; J
4.Whirlwind Throw 15mp
Input method: D J
5.Phoenix Palm 30mp
Input method: D &qt; A

1.Fire Ball 15mp
Input method: D &qt; A A A...
2. Blaze 15mp ...
Input method: D &qt; J
3. Inferno 30mp ...
Input method: D v J
4. Explosion 60mp 8hp
Input method: D J

1.Ice Blast 20mp
Input method: D &qt; A
2. Sommon Sword 30mp
Input method: D v J
3. Icicle 30mp
Input method: D &qt; J
4. Whirlwind 60mp
Input method: D J

1.Energy Blast 10mp
Input method: D &qt; A A A...
2.Shrafe 15mp
Input method: D v A
3.Whirlwind Kick 15mp ...
Input method: D &qt; J
4.Chasing Blast 20mp
Input method: D A

1.Flip Kick 0mp
Input method: D A
2.Turning Kick 10mp
Input method: D v A
3.Teleport 10mp
Input method: D J to enemy / D v J to friend
4.Energy Blast 25mp
Input method: D &qt; A
5.Tiger Dash 40mp
Input method: D &qt; J

1.Leap Attack 5mp
Input method: D J A
2.Energy Blast 10mp
Input method: D &qt; A A A...
3.Shrafe 20mp
Input method: D v A
4.Dragon Punch 40mp
Input method: D A

Little fighter tricks video

1.Crash Punch 0mp
Input method: D &qt; A A
2.Body Attack 0mp ...

Little Fighter
Developer(s)Marti Wong
Designer(s)Marti Wong
Genre(s)Beat 'em up

Little Fighter is a single and multiplayer beat 'em up game designed and developed by Marti Wong. It was released in 1995.



In this game, players can choose to play as one of 11 characters. Each character has exactly 3 special moves. Players participate in a battle in three different modes. The game allows for a one on one match, team matches or elimination tournament matches. There can be up to 8 fighters simultaneously on screen. There can be up to 4 human players on the same game. Playing with a joystick is also an available option, making the game more versatile.[1]



Little Fighter 2 is the sequel to Little Fighter. It was created by Marti Wong and Starsky Wong in 1999. After the release, it had several updates.[2] In 2005, Marti Wong collaborated with Oscar Chu, to release the MMO sequel Little Fighter Online.

Little Fighter Tricks 2017


  1. ^Wong, Marti. 'Little Fighter'. Little Fighter.
  2. ^Wong, Marti. 'Little Fighter 2'. Marti Wong and Starsky Wong. Retrieved 1 April 2013.
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